Creamy vegetable soup

Today I cooked for lunch the Pangasius fish and this creamy soup that my grandmother used to do. It´s quick, easy, healthty and tasty. It´s thickened by the natural starch from carrots and potatoes.

2 medium peeled carrots
1 chopped leek
3 medium peeled potatoes
1/2 l milk
1 tsp oil
salt, pepper and cumin

1. Cut carrots, leek and potatoes into pieces. In a soup pot, heat oil add carrots an cook for 2-3 minutes stirring more or less continuously. Add other vegetables, water, salt, pepper, cumin  and bring to a boil.

2. Simmer until the potatoes are soft enough that they can easily be pierced with a knife.

3. Remove from heat and purée in a blender.

4.-5.  Add milk, stir and return puréed soup to the pot and bring to a simmer again. Taste with salt and pepper if necessary.

6. Garnish with a roll sliced into rings or a toasted crouton and serve right away.
